Somebody somewhere once gave the advice to write from the middle–skip the intro and get to the guts of the thing. If that’s the case, let me say this: I am heartbroken.
My newsfeed is filling up with obituaries and GoFundMe pages. My mind is filling up with names and faces of people I’ve never met, but wish I knew. In my own life, there are individuals who are struggling to hold on even though they love deeply and know how dearly loved they are in return.
If you’re struggling and considering taking your own life, please stay. I know, if you’ve made that decision, very little will change your mind. I know the voices are loud and persuasive. I know there doesn’t seem to be another answer.
You aren’t a burden. You aren’t too much. There are so many sunsets that are meant to be seen by your gorgeous eyes and I pray, from the depth of my soul, that you choose not to miss them.
You are so much more than this moment, than this season. Every beat of your heart is precious. Every breath from your chest is extraordinary. Please stay.
No one can draw, read, write, sing, build, laugh, smile, cook, or love like you can. Please stay.
You cannot be replaced. It isn’t possible. You’re the only you we are ever going to get; losing you will shift the entire universe for your people. Please stay.
You are loved by a God who wants, so desperately, to know you. Please, please, please stay.
Hold on. Reach out. Stay.
***If you are struggling and think/know that you need help, reach out to a local clinic or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. If phone calls aren’t your thing (I feel you, bud), chat with a crisis counselor at Lifeline Chat.***
***EDIT: I’ve also been informed that you can reach a counselor at Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741741. If you know someone who doesn’t like the phone or have access to the internet, please let them know about this option.***
Again, your words are so eloquent, so heartfelt, so heartbreakingly truthful. My heart breaks for those who are so bereft they feel there is no hope and wishes to give up or give in… I cannot fathom feeling so far from our creator to not feel His presence.
Even when I was mired in sin, literally bogged down by the knowledge that I was STILL loved by the Lord. It was that knowledge and the love of my (now) sweet husband lifting me up in prayer, instructing me in things I should have seen all along.
You, my friend a a light to all who know you – and I shall share this with many friends if you do not mind
Keep writing, keep loving, and most of all keep being the sweet observant beautiful young lady that you truly are.
Suzi VanHoose
Thank you so much for your kind words, Suzi! Any good in me comes from Him, and I’m so grateful that it can be seen. Thank you for sharing as well. Love you!